ReShard: ReShade preset for ESO
I decided to share my preset I use for screenshots in the elder scrolls online.
I will not lie, I have no idea what I'm doing, but here it is.
How to:
1) Download ReShade
This preset was built on 4.9.1,newer versions supposed to work too.
2)Run exe and follow recommendations
In the "Click here to select a game and manage its ReShade installation." find where your "eso64.exe" is located.(The Elder Scrolls Online\game\client)
Select Direct3D 10+ then install all the shaders.
3)Place my preset folders to the same directory as your "eso64.exe",overwrite files.
In the game open ReShade window (usually shift + f2 for default) and find my presets. I placed them in one "IlvPresets" folder to keep the space more organized.
There are two preset options:
0ilvPreset + Cinema DoF - suiting for a character shots. Focus point is adjustable by the mouse position and in the DOF.fx
0ilvPreset + Landscape DoF - this DoF is not adjustable, it's lighter and suits for landscape shots, as the name says.
If DoF doesn't work, probably, someone is running in front of you, it doesn't work with "high network activity".
Both presets have unique LUT options. Check them in the "PD80_02_Cinetools_LUT.fx".Probably,I'll add even more in the future.
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