"Pretty courier" race for Fallout New Vegas by ilovevobla
After much soul-searching still decided to put on public display this mod.
Ummm...What's that? Just another race for Fallout New Vegas.
I'm not saying that it will work or even looks as well as on my PC.
Use on your own.
This mod is still in beta.The main thing that I want to change - the name of race,remains only to come up with something better. =\
What's about this race:
◇New face/body textures◇4 unique eye colours
◇Uses Type 3 body
◇Female only race simply called Courier
◇4 presets
◇Requires Lings Coiffure
◇nuska for headmesh and normalmaps◇Dimon99 for body mesh and textures
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